Version 1.0 2021-11-01
                              ____..... .-----....__ _                          
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             /   ;    /                   /)            ,        ' \  \         
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     |  / |.-/  \ `,    ) /   (__(_)(_(_/_)__(/_/ )_(_)(/_(_(_   |\ \| // | /   
.--- `._\_`-',._/  |   (_/      __                              .' `._'.-.'  `. 
|`./ |   ;`._/ \   /        ___/__)                           '  | ,' `.  | _|  
; _\.|;   \    |.-' '      (, /   ____ _   _                    ; _|_.,-._.' \; 
 \   '.`-'``._./             /   (_) (/___(/_    Adel Faure     ,' /  \-.| \  | 
  `'--'  |   _.-     '      (______                             |  \_.,`-'_/_.' 
    .''-. >-~-.    '    '          )        '                '  \   / \_.';'  | 

         To play type commands numbers or letters between brackets then 
                          press [ ENTER ] to validate.

-> If the new occupants spot you they will call an exorcist    
-> The new occupants will eventually dirty the rooms they walks through
-> The new occupants always keep their daily routine        
-> At day 4 everything must be clean before midnight           

                                   Manor map

1st_floor______________       _____      2nd_floor______________                
|                   |==|    .'     `.    |                   |==|               
| [ 0 ] Living room |==|   /    |    \   | [ 5 ] North bedroom==|               
|                   |==|  i     |     i  |                   |==|               
|                   |==|  !           !  |                   |==|               
|                      |   \         /   |    A             _|  <- [ 4 ] Hallway
|                      |    `._____.'    |                  _   |               
|_______| |____________|______________   |___________________|  |______________ 
|                      |              |  |                   |  |              |
| [ 1 ] Dining room    | [ 2 ] Kitchen|  | [ 6 ] South bedroom  | [ 7 ] Bathroom
|                      |              |  |                   |  |              |
|                     _|              |  |                  _|  |_             |
|                     _               |  |      B           _    _             |
|                      |              |  |                   |  |              |
|                      |              |  |                   |  |              |
|_______| |____________|______________|  |___________________|__|______________|
:                                     :                                         
: [ 3 ] Yard                          :  @ = ghost (you)  A B = occupants       
:           @                         :  E = exorcist                           

[ 0-8 ] Move   
[ L ]   Look   
[ W ]   Wait

                                  Room example

 _._ .-._ _._                    |=|=|=|=|=|,8.|=|=|             _._ .-._ _._   
: .-:_:_.':::`.              _.-'-~-~-~-~ ,8°_°8.-~-`---------.-: .-:_:_.':::`-.
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' .:  `.-:-.): ))    _.-' - - - - - - ,8°:¯-¯-¯-¯:°8. - - - - |:' .:  `.-:-.):: 
: -.:  .::`.:.: )_.-'- - - - - - - -,8T°`TT=====TT'°T8.- - - -|:: -.:  .::`.:.::
::: \:/ : ::::.-'_- - - - - - - - - - |--||     ||--| - - - - | ::: \:/ : :::: :
  -.ii-'  :`-.:¯`.|==|==========L==L==|· ||_____||· |=L===L===!:  -.i-..  :`-.: 
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:`.-.i i-. ':.-'  | ·|,8°-¯-¯-¯-¯-¯-¯-°8.°¯-¯-¯-¯°8.||=|=|=|=| ::`.-.iii-. ':.' 
-'-' ! !-'`-'     |· |~~T[][][]I[][][]T~`TT=====TT~ |- - - - -°8.-'-'| |-'`-'   
     / /        .8|--|--||/¯|¯¯¯¯¯|¯\||--||     ||--|[][]I[][]T~~    | |        
|-|-| |-|-|-|-|'°L|· |· ||· |==T==|· ||· ||_____||· |/|____|\||-|-|-|-\ \|-|-|-|
·   ! !  ·  ·   ·|| ·| ·|| ·||||||| ·|| ·||     || ·|·|||||| ||  ·    | | ·  ·  
  ·  \ \ · ·  ·  ||· |· ||· |==|==|· ||· ||_____||· | ||==|| ̣||    ·  | | · ·   
 :   ! !    :    L|__|__||__|__|__|__||__TT-----TT__|_||__||_|| · :   ! !    :  
:  :/   `-._ :   ||L=|-.=.===========.=.-iL=L=L=LiL=|________||  :  :/   \ :   :
 :   :     :   : ^^--^-|L|===========|L|-|=L=L=L=|--^---------^   :   :     :   
: :  ::  :  ::  :: ::   ,'           `. : ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯: :: ::  :  ::  :  : ::  ::  : 
You are in the Yard.   

[ C ] Clean
[ M ] Manor map


Everlasting Household Love, copyright (C) 2021 Adel Faure,,

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software 
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later 

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A 
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 
this program. If not, see

This game source is based on ASCII Facemaker, copyright (C) 2021 Adel Faure,,

I'd like to thank SoloDevlopment, Textmode Friends, Mistfunk members and people
who follow me on twitter for their warm support and encouragement.

Fonts License: jgs5 is under SIL Open Font License 1.1
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorAdel Faure
Tags1-bit, ascii, chiptune, Halloween, Horror, Music, Relaxing, Retro, Singleplayer, Text based


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Very good ascii art! It is very interesting art direction, you choose! Rare, unique. 

I now its 4 months later x) but thank you DimaLink :-) !!


Nice and neat, I like this game!

Thank you <3


This game is so cool! I've never played such a beautiful ASCII art game before. At first it was a little stressful when I messed up, but then it had a definite comforting rhythm. Well done.

8-) thank you, I’m glad that its rhythm caught you

Show post...

hello there is a problem i cannot write anything

Thanks a lot for the feedback :) ! What is your browser ? Are you on a smartphone ? (I’ve not implemented key input for smartphones)

Show post...

i think it's because of my browser it's an old version of chrome i will try on my auther pc

Please don’t hesitate to tell me after that ! Also I like to know this old browser version to see what it could be

Show post...

it's good with the latest version of chrome the game works very well. and for the other version it was the last version available for windows vista.
