Summary of the changes/work made during the Marathon Jam

- Here the pre-jam prototype :
- The music were made before the jam
- Reworking ASCII display and animation system
- Reworking collision system
- Reworking movement system
- Reworking overall performances and framerate control system
- Made some sort of a generic animated assets loader (with differenciable sequences and frames per file)
- Made some sort of a generic interactive system between the ASCII elements beside collisions
- Made some sort of a generic level function with variating ambiances based on music and color palettes
- Made a plateformer based gameplay/level design -> Passed from a sort of quirky rpg hybrid to a "classic" timed getting coin jumper/runner with possibility of exploring and find hidden items.
- Drawing ASCII (decor and "ground" for each)
  + Main title
  + Intro
    * Two portaits declined in 3-4 expressions and dialogs
    * 5 step tutorial
  + Level 1
    * A dog portrait
    * Some interactive elements around a timed event
  + Level 2 (spoilers alert)
    * A tarot card
    * Some interactive elements around a timed event
  + Level 3
    * Some dialogs
- Add an alternative way to replay as a reward when ending game while found the item requested
- Overall get a lot of help and feedback from other jammers, gamedevs/artists and #Solodeveloppers :) thanks a lot (for the hundredth time) !

Files 6 MB
Jul 28, 2021

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